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Money deposit request

Request URL

POST http(s)://API_URL/v2/app/users/:userId/wallet/deposit?clientId=[CLIENT_ID]

Request header (HTTP Header)

Parameter NameDescriptionOptional / Mandatory
signRequest signatureMandatory

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionOptional / Mandatory
clientIdCasino identifier. Sent in the request lineMandatory
userIdUser identifierMandatory
currencyISO currency codeMandatory
amountThe amount of deposit in cents. It must be a positive number, other symbols are not accepted.Mandatory
externalTransactionIdTransaction ID on your serverOptional

Response parameters

In case of successful execution, the response to the request will contain the data on the processed deposit transaction.

Parameter NameDescriptionOptional / Mandatory
currencyISO currency codeMandatory
amountAmount of deposit in centsMandatory

Errors returned

HTTP CodeMessageDescription
400Not valid requestIncorrect request signature
404Player not foundThe user with userId sent was not found
422Currency not validWrong currency ISO code was sent
Amount value has incorrect formatIncorrect deposit amount was sent. Deposit amount must be > 0 and contain numbers only.
Transaction already processedTransaction related to passed transactionExternalId is already processed on our server

Example of response

"data": {
"id": "1589001", //transactionId
"type": "transaction",
"attributes": {
"currency": "USD",
"amount": 5000,